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Saturday, July 30, 2011

How I started looking at things differently ...Literally

It's been almost 7 days since the little "accident" that aimed a harmless little nose...mine.
Ever since, I started looking at things differently... literalliy different, with a little bump on the nose , I can say it's a pretty interesting new perspective.
Plastic surgeon gave me the choice to adjust it with a "small procedure" he'd be glad to perform. Because of the lack of trust I have in plastic surgery in my country (a.k.a lebanese women looking more and more alike) I chose to keep my "profil grec" - the end -


Unknown said...

"bump" on the nose?
And then you chose to keep your "greek profile"?
It's your "hakim" profile dear :)
Mabrouk la Lebnen!

Valiant Sheep said...

Salemtik,,, Glad to know you didn't cave in to surgery =)

raniaweb said...

Labass 3lik al 3ayla :)

Anonymous said...

Right under that airplane on your map, I bought a wooden Pegasus. Amid the scent of the shop, the cave-like dim light, huge copper lamps and samovars, with the stooping old shopkeeper with beard and round spectacles that looked like they probably were somebody else's prescription a couple of owners back, and all the random junk of antique British rifles, Russian medals, dashboard clocks taken from tanks and helicopters, lapis and silver jewelry, there was Pegasus, calling me to take off. He is looking at me in his proud stance on my desk now.